Quick guide to help examine your life. Organize your mind to establish a new foundation for who you are and who you want to be.
Life can be difficult but I have had a better life after organizing my mind and creating a new foundation for myself. It's all here if you are interested in trying it out.
Issues you might have.
Prepare before starting.
Sorting through your mind.
Organizing the bad.
Organizing the good.
Your final copy.
Ways to start.
Issues you might have.
Unable to focus.
Unable to stay still.
Can't be alone.
You think about mistakes or embarrassing moments too often.
Feel like life is meaningless.
General Insecurities.
Body Issues.
Feel others are fake.
Feel used by others.
Can't find a good relationship.
Hate life, yourself or others.
Think of killing yourself.
Think of killing others?
Feel unwanted.
Feel trapped.
Can't be around people.
Snap at others who are not the problem.
Your past memories are easy to trigger.
Stare off into space.
Quick to anger or cry.
Overall defensive.
Shake and drop things.
Feel rushed every morning.
Prepare before starting.
Find a quiet place.
Have a pen and notepad.
Make sure to handle anything that could be a distraction.
Time some time to breathe and relax.
Adjust your entire body, make sure it is straight and even.
Gently flex and stretch your body for blood flow.
Get comfortable and begin.
Now that you have done all that you can sit down and assess your life. You are going to clear your head. Do not try to empty your mind but instead try to organize it. You are taking all these cluttered thoughts from your mind and putting them on paper so you can organize them.
Sorting through your mind.
Write down everything on your mind. Try to record every thought no matter how random it might be.
Order, Organization and detail do not matter and it is also not a spelling contest.
Write down everything that makes you who you are. Write every thought you have matters and should be written down. Include all your problems, goals, likes and dislikes. All the bad, good and even the ones that seem meaningless.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Write in short phrases or use keywords. Make it a list otherwise it is overwhelming. Don't skip or lie. This is for your eyes only.
Having trouble thinking about what to write?
What are your problems?
When did they start?
Why are they there?
What is the best way to handle them?
What triggers them?
What is the best way to live?
What are your goals?
What are your beliefs?
What are ways to better yourself?
After you have written everything down that note pad should be a scrambled mess of you. You might feel exhausted if you have never done this before. Take some time to breathe and rest for a moment.
Organizing the bad.
Now you will write down everything that bothers you about yourself and the world. A list of everything you hate. It can be people, things you don't want or don't need. Include all your own bad choices. It can be regrets, embarrassing, annoying, sad, hurtful and whatever else in your past, present or future that you need off your chest. Everything from chores you don't want to do or even getting over a loss. Do not hold back. Make a list and use keywords.
Organizing the good.
After getting all the bad off your chest it is time to do the same for all the good. Everything good about you or your life and this world. Every experience no matter how small should be written down. Write down all your goals, wants, needs, and likes. After writing all this down you should feel like you have a better understanding of yourself and the direction you want to go in life.
Your final copy.
You will create a small book of yourself. Write everything in that book: family, friends, birthdays, experiences, favorite color, quotes, movies, songs, books, beliefs, fears, loves, purpose, death, god(s), knowledge and more.
Ways to start.
(Build yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and gain overall stability.)
Slow down and remember to always breathe.
Set boundaries, be fair, and respect them.
Explain yourself for misunderstandings.
Clean and groom yourself.
Always have a plan to defend yourself so you are ready and confident.
Clean your environment. (Clear out all the bad smells and trash.)
Organize things even if it isn't perfect.
Set up your environment to make good habits easier to keep.
Invest in things that make your daily life easier.
Keep walkways and surfaces clean.
Eat good, smell good, and get some rest.
Slowly detox sugars, salt, caffeine and nicotine for at least 2 weeks.
Try to work out even if it's a couple times a month.
Look into psychology and philosophy.
Become confident by building good body language.
Make the hard things easier to deal with in the most beneficial way.
Figure out a way to feel rewarded for the habits you want.
Doing all of that is hard but you can start with one and go from there. It should be easier to live in the present once you do this. You do not have to keep going over things and reminding yourself when it is unnecessary. I hope all of this helps you learn about yourself and find a good direction before more mistakes are made.
View other articles at RobertRelic.com/TheRelicWonder or RobertRelic.SubStack.com.
Find more information and work by Robert Relic. Visit @RobertRelic on Twitter, SubStack, YouTube. Visit @RelicRobert on Instagram, Pinterest, and find all my work at RobertRelic.com.